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programming systemの例文


  • An early visual programming system, dataflow-based system originally developed for the Macintosh.
  • "It's a programming system that does many things, " she said.
  • The company's main software products is the World Programming System ( WPS ).
  • This was the usual resolution for the Chip-8 game programming system.
  • The company's product was a parallel flow-based programming system called Orchestrate.
  • "' ToonTalk "'is a computer programming system intended to be programmed by children.
  • The device then translates these actions into corresponding, pre-programmed system data ( sound ).
  • Its programming system also had an early version control system.
  • Metacomputing is also a useful descriptor for self-referential programming systems.
  • De Bruijn indices are commonly used in automated theorem provers and logic programming systems.
  • DDC was responsible for developing a Portable Ada Programming System.
  • The Mozart Programming System is the primary implementation of Oz.
  • Yuen helped start Gemstar in 1989 and invented the company's VCR Plus programming system.
  • Therefore, in uni-programming systems, the processor lay idle for a considerable proportion of the time.
  • Compare with the activities associated with a programming systems project, again as identified by Brooks.
  • OOPSLA is an annual conference covering topics related to object-oriented programming systems, languages and applications.
  • Alan Kay, a student of Evans, developed object-oriented programming technology, a foundation of current programming systems.
  • As these two projects died, this left Apple with only OpenDoc as a modern OO-based programming system.
  • Guidant also announced the U . S . market release of a new programming systems for pacemakers.
  • The Push programming language is a genetic programming system that is explicitly designed for creating self-modifying programs.
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